A game about fangirl nostalgia · By
Welcome to the Terranova forum! If this is your first time here, please...
We also have an 18+ Discord where we do a casual, ongoing roleplay.
1) We have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech. Homophobic, transphobic, racist, or any kind of hate speech will not be allowed. If we see hate speech including using symbols, emojis, images, etc that represent these ideals, etc. the poster could face an instant ban.
2) Be courteous and use content warnings. The game contains mention of depression, suicide, and eating disorders, which means it may trigger unwelcome memories. If you're about to talk about something involving depression, suicide, eating disorders, etc. let people know. We're all human at the other end of the keyboard, so if you've had a bad day, we get it—add warnings first before spilling so people can choose whether or not they want to interact with your message.
3) Please report your bugs in the Report Bugs Here thread. It makes it easier for us to find them.
If you do not abide by these rules, you will be warned, and then removed, or instantly removed, depending on the severity of the infraction. We reserve the right to remove people for any reason should they cause folks to feel unwelcome or unsafe.